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Welcome to Honey Spun Records!

We are a record label based in the San Francisco Bay Area featuring the music of award-winning artists The Song Gardeners, Mary Gospe and Zach Gospe.

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The Song Gardeners

The Song Gardeners, founded in August 2019 by singer/songwriters and multi-instrumentalists Corrie Dunn and Mary Gospe, are at the forefront of the New Age Pop genre. Along with their producer, David Scheibner, they create well-crafted contemporary songs with positive, empowering messages and a chill, groove vibe.

Click on the single of album cover for details and listening links.

Mary Gospe

Award-winning singer/songwriter and co-founder of The Song Gardeners. Her debut album, Time to Soar, was released in 2019.

Click on the single of album cover for details and listening links.

Zach Gospe

Singer/songwriter whose  debut EP, New Horizons, was released in 2014.

Click on the single of album cover for details and listening links.